james cash penney history
Articles about James Cash Penney:
How James Cash Penney Got His Start
Wyoming People: James Cash Penney, a Rags to Riches Story
David kruger, University of Wyoming
David Delbert Kruger is Agricultural Research and Instruction Librarian, William Robertson Coe Library, University of Wyoming, Laramie.
J. C. Penney: The Man, the Store, and American Agriculture
C-SPAN's 2019 interview about the J. C. Penney book
This Was JCPenney" about the 43 J. C. Penney stores that once served Montana
mr. penney historical sites
James Cash Penney is featured in the Hall of Fame in the West Tower
A picture of James Cash Penney is featured in the Hall of Fame in the West Tower of the Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs, Colorado along with over 250 other celebrities that were guests there over the years. Mr. Penney was a guest of Spencer Penrose, the original owner of the Broadmoor until 2011. His picture is featured on the first wall in the HOF and resides next to Walt Disney and adjacent to John Wayne, Jackie Gleason, and other famous guests of that era. Later celebrity pictures are in color in the Hall of Fame.